Friday, June 18, 2004


Eysenck's Test Results
Extraversion (43%) moderately low which suggests you are quiet, unassertive, and aloof.
Neuroticism (50%) medium which suggests you are moderately worrying, insecure, emotional, and nervous.
Psychoticism (33%) moderately low which suggests you are good natured, trusting, and helpful but possibly too much of a follower.
Take Eysenck's EPQ-R based Personality Test
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ISFP - "Artist". Interested in the fine arts. Expression primarily through action or art form. The senses are keener than in other types. 8.8% of total population.
Take Free Myers-Briggs Personality Test
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i'm feeling terribly bored. and so i did the personality test thing again. this stuff is quite fun. the last time i did the test i think it was infp.

and we went to visit kelly today after training.. still in critical condition. pray for her.

ok, on a lighter note. i decided to compile a list of elizabeth's top 10 food choices.

1. Mon Chéri chocolates with hazelnuts: this thing is SINFUL but DAMN GOOD i tell you. i finished 20 in 2 days.

2. Chunky Kit Kat

3. Ligo raisins: HAHA sarabird is so going to have a good laugh. school sells this! cheap and good. and it prevents constipation.

4. Chicken rice from some food court in some Harborfront shopping centre: i could just survive on the rice alone... darn, i'm hungry.

5. Carrot cake from the coffeeshop near church: holy cow, this thing is HEAVENLY. best carrot cake in singapore.

6. Udon from Nooch Noodle Bar: NICE.

7. My mum's bee hoon: come over one day to try it. and she only cooks it twice a year! :(

8. Those japanese crackers with cheese and a nut on top.

9. French fries with McFlurry: ALL-TIME FAVOURITE!

10. hmmm. tough choice between Bengawan Solo Pineapple Tarts and Marks and Spencer chips. you decide!



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