Tuesday, November 02, 2004

random thoughts.

well i havent been updating in a while. and the reason is obvious. i have a sad and boring life just like ymw! :( i have decided that i wont type in prose for a while. too taxing for the brain.

1. the word "dashboard" that comes up on the main blogger page makes me think of dashboard confessional and the song "vindicated". vindicated vindicated i am selfish i am wrong i am right i swear i'm rightttt... sheesh i just thoroughly embarrassed myself.

2. i went shopping with my mum on monday.

3. i need to shop more. i need money.

4. i cant find any George Winston "Variations on the Kanon" mp3s. which REALLY sucks cos the version i play on the piano freaking sounds like my own variation. which is NOT a good thing.

5. i actually spent half the day looking for mp3s. too much time drives me mad.

6. the song "deep inside of you" is nice. i think it's by third eye blind.

7. nothing can stop THE JAY CHOU FAN from buying tickets to his concert on the 26th of november. not even laos. exciting stuff. we're going for the concert jasmine!!!!

8. i think pw has been/is a total waste of time. eat shit and die!!

9. i suspect jai singh does not read our written reports AT ALL. pity.

10. no matter how much i rant and rave about THE PW SHIT, i actually quite like my group members. and hu chen is really kinda cool man.

11. alicia keys has a nice voice. and i dont care if i'm the only one who thinks so, but she's got eyes like kit fei's!

12. sylvester sim is THE SINGAPORE IDOL!!


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