Friday, October 14, 2005

here are some of the people who have made jc life memorable

ok so this is the end of my jc life. it has been very short and rather disappointing. but strangely, during farewell assembly today, i felt sad about leaving the school.

these 2 years have gone by so quickly, i hardly felt like anything happened at all. except maybe the laos trip. and other random stuff like "boy drama" according to ymw. i cant remember any orientation stuff and i hardly hung out with anyone else except sarabird, ymw, shuching and the usual touch rug people like the twins, junnan, andi, mich and saraho. (not that you are boring people, i do like hanging out with you!)

and i dont know much about my classmates. no offence to anyone, but i think our class was/is rather sad. even bio*** commented that we're too cliquish. the people on their own are nice(most of them at least) but somehow we always broke up into different groups. and it doesnt help that our class is so damn smart and half(or more) of the class scores 4As for every single freaking common test. oh how i miss 403!!!!!! even though it was another class of overchievers, i still had so much fun. so so SO much more fun! :(

i probably wouldnt even have survived without sarabird and ymw. you dont know how much you both mean to me!! well ymw, i was just kidding. this is not the end of our friendship...! i still like you! unless you really hate me :(:(:( (but i know you think i'm the coolest person in school. ok, besides xxxxxxxx. AHA! zhong se qing you! tsk.)

and sarabird! omg, you're God-sent! can you imagine, we started waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back since sec 1!! and we still have many more years to go! :)

i actually have alot more to say. but it'll have to wait till i organize my thoughts properly.

happy mugging people.


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