looking through a site jo gave me... good grief!
Why medicine/why do you want to be a doctor/ what first made you realise you wanted to be a doctor?
What appeals to you about the course here?
What are the main qualities of a doctor?
How do you cope with stress?
How do you fit in to a medical team?
How do your work colleagues see you?
What do you think are your worst qualities?
What do you think are your best qualities?
What are your Strengths?
What are your Weaknesses?
How would you cope being older than your peers (for mature students)?
How do you cope with studying?
What would you do if you don't get in?
Whats wrong with the NHS?
What problems exist in the NHS other than lack of funding?
What would you do to differ this?
What qualities did you think you have which would make you a good candidate?
How did you handle stressful situations?
Build your ideal doctor?
How would your best friend describe you?
How would your parents describe you?
What do you want out of life other than to be a doctor?
How long do you think it takes to become a consultant surgeon?
Were you interested in any other professions before that?
Besides communication skills, what other skills must a Dr posses?
Can you learn communication skills?
What would you prefer in a Dr - Good communication skills and bad clinical skills or good clinical skills and bad communication skills?
How have you developed your communication skills?
How did your GP posses good communication skills?
How would you fit into a medical team?
What makes a team work?
Are you a leader of a follower?
Did you have any leadership experience?
Should there be a leader in a team?
What would you do if a member of your team wasn’t pulling their weight?
What would you do if they did it again?
Would you involve a 3rd party?
Are you stressed at the minute?
How did you find your examinations?
Are the grades you attained good enough?
How do you revise?
How did your work experience make your choice to study medicine stronger?
What would you do if you never got in medical school this year?
Have you considered a GAP year?
What advantages are there of a GAP year?
How would you adjust to University life?
Anyone else in the family a doctor?
Are you the 1st to go to uni?
How did you go about finding out about a career in medicine?
If your friends were sitting in the corner how would they describe you?
What would make you a good doctor?
What do patients expect from their dr?
Where do you see medicine going in the future?
Characteristics of a doctor?
How doctor should treat patients?
What area of medicine did i see myself going into and how long would it take me?
What have you to offer?
How are you going to finance medical school?
What age will you be when you're practicing medicine?
Why does one measure blood pressure, and what does it reflect?
Have you ever measured blood pressure, how?
A patient is lying in bed, his pulse is racing and his blood pressure is difficult to take, what's wrong with him?
What would you do and how would you treat him?
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