Monday, March 12, 2007

oh it's been a long time

haven't updated in ages cos it's too much effort and i'm too sian. but anw! here the photos come!

girly girly weekend with saraho jasho cheryl laura caroline whui xiufang! 8 girls with 7 cameras (i didn't bring mine! haha) absolute carnage! the crew for the weekend!

sightseeing around cambridge. me+queens'

formal at night. everyone looking pretty

food was a bit nasty that night though
how do you like the gowns?

late night random activities: mahjong-ing. yes this is my auntie pic

just taking wayyyy too many photos
punting the next day. lovely weather!

find this picture really amusing. it's like i see the light! and cheryl looking sexayy. hahha
awesome weekend! all the photos make me laugh!
cumsa ball. wasn't the funnest thing ever. but had good company... mahjong karaoke. good times! girlies at my table. love polaroids!!
freshers dinner at queens'. haven't got photos from charlotte yet. but here's the usual crowd!

mnight. oof the queens' ppl were out in full force. ben and wv acting!alex dancing! i had to lead the whole troop of supporters there! it was really really good! i was so impressed. very proud of my future roomie!

london weekend! manic! stayed with pueeee with christina. met up with cheryl laura whui tung... duck duck duck! and then went to watch the lunar eclipse. was a great weekend!

next up!
kua si mi?!
i'm ents officer for cumsa now... so my first big assignment is end of term bop. theme is bengs and lians. hopefully it'll go well!


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