Saturday, February 25, 2006

rg thrashed crescent today! yay yay yay! finally broke the stupid curse that has haunted us like forever. they started off pretty shaky but got better and better as the game went on. it wasn't even a close fight. so proud of them! and i remembered my camera! :D today's pictures courtesy of the sec2s.

the field.... very different from when we last played it. i remember it used to have centipedes crawling all over the place. yuck.

the taunting group! can you spot me in rgs pe tshirt?? haha chrees says i'm too old to wear that anymore. my sister says i'm not supposed to wear fbts with rg pe shirt. i wonder what the prefects would do to me???

briefing between innings... check out the new kungfu visors the players wear now. i don't like them!! but at least there isn't the problem of cap hair.
bunting! last game they had a spectacular home bunt!

coach calling the shots. i hate bases loaded. it happened a lot today. but no casualties i think.

leaving the match, all the rg girls shouted: GOOD LUCK FOR A LEVELS! eeps i hope i do ok!! i'm really quite scared. oh and good luck to everyone else!


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