Friday, November 19, 2004

the return of bird

i wonder if people actually think that ymw and bird are(is?) really just one sad nutcase pretending to be 2 very different people. especially after jo told ymw that she talks like ME when they met on the train after ymw missed me by a few seconds. that is just SO freaky. i am personally horrified(and insulted) at the thought that some people actually mix the both of us up. apart from the fact that we are of the same height, i dont see why we should be mistaken to be TWINS. we dont look the same and ymw obviously is blessed with more brains..!

oh the week has been relatively boring. training at bishan park(joy and jubilation!! lesser travelling time!) on mon and competition on wed(we got SECOND, michael jeyaseelan.) today should be a little more exciting. candy empire, fondue AND mamma mia with sarabird tonight....!!!!

if you have spare cash or if you're just feeling rich, do something meaningful with the money. dial 1900-112-1903. SYLVESTER SIM will be very grateful. :)

alright i've run out of things to blog about.


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