Monday, December 06, 2004

bird is gone! but it won't be the last you'll see of her. darn.

anyway cip over the weekend. so that's 30 hours in the bag. it was an awfully boring convention. at singapore expo. i mean how many people actually go to singapore expo?? sat was bleak bleak bleak. hardly anybody came at all. yesterday was a little bit better. cos of all the crazy teenage girls who came at 7 in the morning to queue up to see the final 3 singapore idols. [they were only coming at 2 btw] yikes. well they were really good live. even, as much as i hate to say this, sylvester! haha gosh he is so skinny. seeing all those fanatic girls screaming their freaking heads off at him... gee i was trying to imagine bird doing that at the jay chou concert. hmmm....... anyway we packed up at 7 even though the convention was supposed to end at 9. haha loupok. i think the only really fun part of this weekend was me and my sis racing on the wheelchairs. yup. that was the only fun part. unless you count the overzealous candle man telling us about how wonderful candle craft is and hearing him go: "wow the ice candles selling so fast? wah see i told you they are so popular." er ok. sigh.

yay my sister is coming back soon! and apparently she bought me a salmon pink sweater to wear to india. yuck! i don't like that colour at all. i have to figure out some way to get her to return it fast. or i'll be stuck looking like a doofus in india. oh no. i really can't figure out the weather in india. it's supposed to be cold but cold enough to wear winter trench coats? somehow i can't imagine people in delhi rushing about their daily business in posh nosh coats.


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