wow looking at our counter seems like we have lots of visitors at our blog! as boring as it is. so let me begin another boring entry to satisfy all of you...
the school is gonna let me take leave after june hols!! yay yay yay... my sister is graduating from uni and i'm going to attend that. i think. cos i'll be missing common tests and mr stephen chin (i always think of steve chia when i think of his name) says i won't get a progress report. darn. so i'll think about that.
then we had senior class junior class thing. our junior class looks so normal compared to us. oh gosh i hope they don't think we're complete freaks. and bird and i made a most startling discovery that sarah ong actually reminds us of XXX in our class. hmmm. no offence to yijing and lilian who planned the game but i really hate playing 'ice-breakers' like that. and i probably made a junior feel so hurt because i completely forgot her name and she was sitting next to me! oh horror.......... but oh well. and i hate sitting around school in skirts cos then you get these horrid great white patches on your skirt and it looks so so dreadful..... i hope it doesn't make your ass look bigger cos i heard if you wear jeans with lighter colours on the butt area it makes you look like j.lo (oops she wants to be known as jennifer lopez now)
so the rest of the day went ok except compre was so damn difficult due to my poor gp skills and mr tay was kind of pissed with our class. physics prac was so stupid with limcheeli and marlom. marlom has the funniest facial expressions--- i was laughing so hard! then training. me, xuan and cons were so early waiting around for ppl who didn't turn up... so we decided to have a softball table! cutting out paper softballs and pasting them around cos we were so bored. i wonder how that'll work out... will the softball table instill as much fear as the ruggers' table?? only time will tell.... oh and jasho did a really good job with the 'softball advertisement'. i will keep one as a souvenir.
and i really like spending time with cons! drawing stupid softballs, running to the rg staff room cos we were scared of the dark and chatting on the way home. sigh and did i mention i have another twin? yup. this one is a GUY. yucks... my hc friend just smsed and said she saw the softballer who looks like me. unfortunately many people have agreed in this case (oh crap math lecturer) weep. it's no fun having a guy look like you or vice versa :(
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