this morning i rolled out of bed at SEVEN because....
we were going for training!!!! yippee! the last time we played was in..... may i think!
it was so fun! i love training a lot :) look at our gorgeous field:
heehee it looks really bare but it actually has A LOT more grass than the mount sinai campus field. hah that field was like a desert.
ooh the skyline! unfortunately it didn't really look like that today... (i forgot my blasted camera) today was bloody bloody hot. gosh even now i can feel the heat radiating from my eyeballs.
we didn't do very much today because we've all grown old and the weather was really killer. haha we were celebrating as we did our warm up round cos we didn't hear any joints creaking! did the usual warm-up throws and batting. our throwing wasn't as bad as expected! batting was dreadful when we used the 'wicked' bat (such a cute name). but got better when we used the orange one. haha fielding was... well not too good. actually now that season is over i can confess... i hate fielding. i only like flyballs and line drives. i HATE grounders. haha we were batting all over the place and the fielders had to run everywhere. damn tiring!! argh and i kept trying to wrap my pe shirt around my arm cos i could just feel it roasting. (haha we always sing 'frying without wings' during training!) i'm so glad we never really trained in the morning. it's awful! by 11 we were pretty drained.... so we gave up and decided to leave for lunch.
hmmm next year we might help coach the c div team! what fun! and coach said none of the girls wanted to try for catcher. fools. haha! i really think catcher is one of the best positions to play (unless you have a really shitty pitcher).... you're well protected. you're always involved in the play. no fielding! and you never have to run very much. hmmm yes it is a good position.
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