Sunday, October 15, 2006

yayyy i've finally got my imitation keds from topshop! 15pounds sounds really cheap doesn't it. but actually when you convert it.... haha never mind. they were cheap. and they look so cute!

this week has been pretty alright.... nothing much happening. a lot of trying-to-study-but-not-succeeding. lectures are boring. had 2 good supervisions on mostly a level stuff that i quite aced. yayyy.... then had a really shit anatomy supervision in which i was clearly the dumbest of the group. i just tried stuffing my mouth full of rock cake so i would have an excuse not to answer questions. moral of the story: mug your ass off! having scared myself shitless, i studied really hard for the next day's dissection and it totally paid off! it was really so fantastic i learnt so much in just 2 hours. haha towards the end of the session i just kept thinking, "this was so great. i'm so happy. who am i gonna gush about the brachioradialis to??" so this morning i just sat at my table fitting noddy's ulnar radius and humerus together. the catz perv must be quite weirded out. haha the human arm is SO COOL! geeky i know.

on the social front (oh god i have a social front), had people over in my tiny room two nights in a row just talking about random things. no work done of course. also finally got into spoons (the bouncers are completely anal and don't accept student id). but that's cos they don't check when you're there at dinner time. matriculation dinner on thursday which wasn't great cos i was sitting opposite the dean :S i realised i really don't like wine. red wine is just too seap. last night went to watch 'closer'. i've never seen the film so can't compare. the play was really good though. and as with pretty persuasion, i'm just shocked there are such screwed up people around. had cookout with jasho today. haha quite fun. we ended up playing around with her plastic skeleton. less disrespectful than playing with noddy. and sainsbury's donuts rock! 10 for less than a pound. please if i come back to singapore really fat will all my friends say so to my face.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahaha ym i told you red wine tastes SEAP. what a handy word i introduced to you. and the most apt for red wine too! actually plum skins taste really seap too go experience it for yourself :D i want to eat the donuts too!! haha and i see you've started learning then names of the arm! brachioradialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor digitorum superficialis and profundus etc etc etc.. and i emphasize the etc part cos there's just so many things we have to remember! you know ym maybe you should make your blog open to certain users only like let's so the whole world wouldnt see how we are slowly but surely evolving into ubergeeks. :D

3:44 PM  

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