well this is the first training this year that i've come back from feeling shitty and lousy :( :( my thighs are aching once again and oh yeah: WELCOME BACK HORRID TAN! the sun fried steamed and charred. i hate it. only my batting was decent today. didn't get to field anything except balls rolling like snails after being deflected. yay.
school actually wasn't too bad today even though birdie bird bird left me alone. yeah but cos i'm feeling crabby i can't write about anything really fun now. 2.4 in the sun was not nice at all. i managed to do 5 inclined pull-ups (how the hell do i do 17??) and jumped fairly ok. and i finally had a nice nice talk with shuching... i think we haven't actually had a proper sit-down since last year. oh that sounds so sad!
on a 'happier' note, my happy bruise is slowly taking its leave. it was big, it was ugly and it was pink, green and blue. now it's still big and ugly but it looks a bit lighter. and it seems to be clearing up from the middle. fascinating.
ugh ugh ugh i'm hating my life right now. first bout of depression of the year.
things to do tonight:
1. moisturize, moisturize, moisturize
2. deep heat aplenty on them thighs
3. call bird to find out how exciting her day was
4. need chocolate :(
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