Friday, March 03, 2006

look what i found lying in the shoe rack today!

it's been 9+ years already! feeling kind of nostalgic now.. if only i hadnt given up dancing! but then again, i cant imagine myself dancing TODAY. and being the not so smart person i am, i tried to see if i could fit into those shoes. alas, MY FEET HAVE GROWN! :(:(:(:(

anyway, have you all seen those HORRID adverts for those gross dance/crap remixes of chinese songs on tv?! seriously. some songs are SO OBVIOUSLY NOT SUITABLE to be made into disgusting dance/hip hop/whatever other crappy tracks! yuck. thankfully they havent butchered any of jay chou's songs yet.

today i went out with sarabird........and we ate CHOCOLATE FONDUE at max brenner's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! totally heavenly. everyone please go there to try the fondue! and the waffle! (i didnt get to try it today but i will soon! waffle........waffle.....waffle!!!!!!!!!!!!!) its at esplanade.

before eating, we actually went to do really stupid things! like play super bishi bashi champ and daytona (!!!). haha we shall do the stupid ddr thing soon. eek i should like stop hanging out with sarabird she's such a bad influence. tsk.

heh ymw, sounds like driving isnt going very smoothly for you. dont be superstitious, funeral processions are ok la! (if you're not participating in it i guess) :)


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