Wednesday, January 26, 2005

first day at IMCB!

so i turned up super mega early at proteos today hoping to see at least one familiar face. unfortunately, i didnt manage to find anyone i might know and the rj people in my group turned up super mega late..! well at least they turned up.

we started off with a really loooooooooooooong talk on safety rules. then some guy came to introduce and promote IMCB and finally our mentor briefed us on the stuff we we were supposed to be doing for the next 3 days.

interesting stuff--part one:

1. imcb is obsessed with cells and crap. even the interior of the LIFTS have like pictures of weird proteins and stuff.
2. the food at imcb is not very nice :(
3. there's this overly enthusiastic acjc-mgs girl who makes funny sounds during the most inappropriate times.
4. the rj people in my group are quite nice after all. i can actually make new friends! i'll survive.
5. biopolis reminds me of the rjc campus at bishan. too empty and lifeless.
6. NEVER pursue a career in research work. you'll probably spend half of your life waiting around with nothing to do.
7. i somehow managed to get paired up with shishu while the others paired up with people from other schools. which is a good thing!


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