hong kong was good! the company was good and although we got lost like half the time, it was a fun experience! first time on a trip away from singapore with my friends without a proper itinerary and it wasnt too bad!!
this is where we stayed.

ok, i was kidding. it was a budget trip. so we stayed at hotel ibis in north point. it was not too bad, although the bed was just behind the door and everything was so compact and squashed. at least we slept relatively well!

and these are the people who made it such a great trip! i admit i was quite apprehensive before the trip cos the only person i'm really close to is sarabird.. and conflicts are inevitable when 4 people (whose interests may differ) travel together. but yinyin and junnan were really good company and we managed to get quite alot of shopping done! :D

we checked out causeway bay and all the little streets near there on the first day but there wasnt much to buy :( the best part of day 1 was probably eating at Wing Wah Noodle Shop. the wantons were huge!! not like the singapore wanton mee ones, so puny. and the noodle was springy and the soup was nice and drinkable (not like the msg-laden ones over here.)

we had dimsum breakfast at Lin Heung Tea House the second day before checking out the Esprit factory outlet (!!!!!!!!!! shopped till we dropped!!) and the area around it. breakfast wasnt too enjoyable cos there were too many people and the waitors' faces were super black, and they werent exactly friendly and helpful. so well, we survived anyway. but ooh, Esprit shopping was goooooood. i spent like 495 hkd. and i spent the least ok! the rest overshot their budget for the day by ALOT.
then it was ocean park on day 3. walked like MAD in the horrible afternoon sun. ocean park is so big and we walked for half an hour to get from one ride to another..! but it was good exercise and we probably needed it. sarabird and i sat on the rollercoaster twice!! and it was not enough. i love rollercoasters, especially the ones that go round and round and round and round..... but i hate the stomach-coming-out-of-my-mouth feeling when the thing falls from high up. i wanted to try The Abyss, the vertical free fall thing, but i couldnt la, too chicken. i think i'd have screamed like crazy.

we also went into the reef and aquarium and jelly fish exhibition thing, and look at what i saw. who says a bird has a small brain????? (OKAY, just ignore the "not on scale" thing! actually, shouldnt it be "not to scale"...?)

ooh and we saw alot of nice birkenstocks. ex but still cheaper than singapore ones!! alas, they DIDNT HAVE MY SIZE. i dont believe that my size is so common! :(:(:( but yinyin got the super nice virgin whisper ones and junnan got cool purple ones. oh so nice. but so expensive. :(
the last day was spent shopping at times square and other random places. and obviously times square was too expensive for us. haha. but the things over there were niceeeeee. we ate ice cream too, the kind where you choose your flavour and mixings and toppings and they'll grind it together for you! heavenly. OH AND WE HAD YUNG KEE ROAST GOOSE FOR LUNCH. the skin was so crispy and the meat was so tasty and juicy and and and......oh man,
delicious. :D
so that was hongkong. i think i missed out alot of other stuff, we really had quite an adventure. hehhhhh. now it's back to boring singapore and getting ready for school. :( and NUS IS REALLY SO UGLY. :( it needs a makeover. extreme extreme EXTREME makeover.
ok this is an irrelevant part. but aiya, world cup fever la. i saw the ballack jersey in a hk supermarket.


anyway, check out what we saw on the airplane seats on the way back. HAHAHAHAAAAA. quite effective i must say.