Sunday, February 24, 2008

my arms are aching, my legs are aching, my abdominal muscles are aching, and my butt is aching! all this from just 2 hours of touch rug.

i am so unfit!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

chopin has become one of my favourite romantic composers (after spending hours watching youtube videos!) and i really really want to watch "the pianist" one day OMG.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

goodbye colin

yesterday was our last pharm prac FOREVER AND EVERRR (unless i do pharm next year)

was a good one. (colin is what we once christened our guinea pig ileum)
seen and heard in the lab -
[it is, of course, funnier if you remember that T and R are 2 towering british boys.]

R: let's nettle this bad boy!

we got a particularly gross ileum filled with god knows what for the prac,
me: ARGHHH!!! i've got guinea pig shit all over my fingers!
T+R: awwwwww
10seconds later..
me: ARGHHH!! i've got guinea pig shit all over my fingers and it's DRIED UP!!!
T+R: awwwww

when i had to re-stitch the disgusting gut for the 5th time,
me: i can't take this anymore. if it breaks again, you guys can sew it!
R: oh but you sew beautifully...

when i told K about how awful our gut was,
K: oh yeahh we got that the last time! we thought we might have got a bit of rectum!

as T proceded to knock over all the chemicals,
R: you have the finesse of an elephant!

when the experiment didn't go as planned and i uncovered an error we made earlier,
R: oh ym you've opened a can of worms!
me: hmmm. i feel like having some gummy worms.
T: OHHH!! wouldn't it be amazing if you could get gummy worms in a can!
R: yeahh! then it'd be like opening a can of (gummy) worms!! yeahh!!
T: we should market this!
.................... (this of course ended up with us making a trip down to the market to get gummy worms.)

Saturday, February 09, 2008

an unusual day.

i felt awful when i got up today. 5hours of sleep - just NOT enough.

neuro lecture was boring. path prac was hilarious. cath and i had a discussion about costume ideas for 'P for Party' - peterpan, peanut, penguin, partypopper, panda, prostitute, pizza, parma ham, poo, poodle, pimple (HAHAH can you imagine that!) can't remember what else.

so nats and i left complaining about how hungry we were and then right smack in front of us this guy appeared and he was giving out FREE POPCORN! how amazing is that! it was publicity for some company - i don't know, i was eating the popcorn not looking at the packaging. seriously, next time i will complain about not eating sushi. *fingers crossed*

then path lecture we had this 'sex-crazed' lecturer. she did like a 10min intro before beginning and managed to slip in like 4 sexual innuendos. like !!??!! 5 min into the actual content of the lecture....
*DIIUUUU!! DIUUUU!!* [it sounded like that. really]
"Attention, attention, a fire has been detected in the building. Please be prepared to evacuate. Attention attention........"

HAHAHAHA so we got to go back early :D

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

blind date(s)!

HAHAHAHHAHA omg. it was really quite funny.

so bird, i didn't bribe to get someone 'buff' or 'tall' or anything. leave it entirely up to chance :/

so anw, mon - everyone gets their blind date forms... i have NOTHING in my pigeonhole. no blue/green/pink forms. NOTHING. (straight guys fill in blue ones, straight girls fill in pink, gays fill in green. i knoW!!! cam is how open right, they even consider gays. spore must learn) so i'm like OH SHIT wth....
look for my college RAG rep and she says she's definitely seen my date's form and maybe it's stuck somewhere and she'll definitely get it to me before my date tmr.
then this guy rd adds me on facebook so i presume he must be my blind date.

tues (day of said date)
still no form in pigeonhole (!!!!!)
but i get a text from vk who's from rd's college saying - oh i hear you're going out with him tonight!
so okkkk that means he's my blind date right.
our RAG rep emails me at 6pm to say she can't find my date's form but she's found out who my date is. he's rS (!) not rD.
confusion. she calls the main rag guy and they have no idea what's gone wrong. so i'm supposd to meet both guys!
so at this point, it's like 730pm, RS (who also didn't get a form) has no idea he has a date or where to meet me. RD will be meeting me at 8 somewhere, completely unaware that he's about to go on a triple date (apparently you can request threesomes but NO i didn't)
i text RS and luckily he replies to say yes he'll meet me later and no he doesn't mind a triple date...

so i meet RD first and we have a good chat for about an hour or so over some good dessert.
then we head over to spoons to meet RS who is there with 3 other friends. and luckily luckily out of FIVE guys, there was ONE hot one. but he was one of my date's friends :/ hahah another of RS's friends was in master and commander with russel crowe! how cool is that! anw RS and his friends were really funny and everything so phew! went next to emma bar cos drinks are cheap and we just kind of chilled and chatted for maybe another hour or so? RD leaves cos he's got a pancake party.. hang around a bit more and then the guys say they want to go to cindies. i say nahh i probably won't (cos wv wasn't going and really i don't want to go with like 4 guys i just met right!) and the hot one (!! hahah) tries convincing me. but no i have strong willpower!

hahaha that said, both my dates were not all that ermm good-looking. but they were taller than me! now that's what i look for! hahaahahaah (don't hold me to it though)