i am scarred for life!!!!!! i just smelt burning flesh while brushing my teeth just now.
and haha no lizhen i dont think i'll want to watch a cesarean cos i wont ever dare to have kids anymore after that. i'd rather be blissfully ignorant.
i am scarred for life!!!!!! i just smelt burning flesh while brushing my teeth just now.
hello! if you have noticed, i am no longer known as "shit lover". it suddenly dawned upon me that it sounds quite gross. plus brown is no longer my favourite colour. i guess it was just a passing phase.
rg thrashed crescent today! yay yay yay! finally broke the stupid curse that has haunted us like forever. they started off pretty shaky but got better and better as the game went on. it wasn't even a close fight. so proud of them! and i remembered my camera! :D today's pictures courtesy of the sec2s.
leaving the match, all the rg girls shouted: GOOD LUCK FOR A LEVELS! eeps i hope i do ok!! i'm really quite scared. oh and good luck to everyone else!
eh ymw, isnt brokeback mountain like r21?!!!! bad girl you, very bad girl.
watched brokeback mountain with shuching last night!
yawn! it's 0320 in the hospital and i'm still surviving. just FOUR more hours to go!!! unfortunately the sleep tech belongs to a different generation and hence listens to gold90fm. yawn yawn yawn. even worse is the fact that i can recognise almost every song that plays on that station. omg i am growing OLDDDDD!
yesterday was such a goooood day!!! night shift got cancelled so i got to sleep in... then i went to rj and met cons and bern who are still completely MAD. we were talking about skiing (since they're both much pro-er and more experienced than me) and going to china cos bern is a china freak. aw they were so sweet and gave me a "be mine" benzene ring. hurhur. i met bird for lunch. which wasn't as terrible as i would have expected (haha!) it was quite fun lar... but too short!
hmmm last night was actually my first night on the sleep study cos i fell very very sick on monday. i didn't really have much to do so it was a bit boring. i only had to observe. i could tahan until about 4am and then i just couldn't take it. my eyelids started drooping and i'm pretty sure i was beginning to sway about and mutter nonsensical replies to the sleep tech. so then i had an hour nap. came back home today at about 8am.... then slept til 1230 i think? had a bit of lunch and watched jamie's school dinners! just happened to be the episode i missed the last time they showed it. i like jamie oliver's tv shows. his kids are so cute! and somehow i've never been to fifteen before. ONE DAY i will try it.
i have nothing to do i have nothing to do i have nothing to do
i'm so boredddd. i hate doing research. my first night assignment starts on monday so i haven't been trying very hard to get over my jet lag... i watched dreamcatcher til early this morning. the first third of the movie was so scary! i was hiding behind my pillow and asking my parents to tell me what was going on. after the initial scary bits, the movie got extremely stupid. you keep thinking: why is that idiot going into the creepy house?? why is the other idiot not running away?? why is that idiot stopping the car?? etc etc. jeez. the ending was too men-in-black for me. but i guess it's the stephen king type of story. i don't like his books at all. they always have really weird unsatisfactory endings. and frankly i think his 'horror' books are way scarier as movies. sad.
[see previous post first]
tuan2 yuan2 fan4 was just chinese takeaway. not very nice but the most important thing is to be with your family! i think this is the first cny my older sister has had with us in 4 years. heh on cny day we all woke up and started running around and singing "dong dong dong chiang, dong dong dong chiang"! didn't go down to chinatown cos apparently it gets really really crowded.
we drove to see stonehenge! which is well... a bunch of stones. heehee i can imagine like some heavenly 'aaaaah' music accompanying this picture.
with my big sister, for whom all of us sacrificed a long ski holiday for.
listening to audio guides at the stones. if only i'd got my dad in the shot proper. that would have been really funny!
one more picture of the mystical stones! i told my grandma they are shen2 qi2 shi2 tou. this one i can imagine an alien "ooh-wee-ooh" tune.... my dad's photo skills are pro...
my muse in the apartment block carpark.... frankly i don't see the need for this sign since the area we stay in is really posh and only old retirees can afford to stay here.
haha we also went to regents park. i think we go every trip. but that's cos it's just across the road from the apartment and my mummy loves parks! check out the softball fields across the park. if i study in london i'm going to set up a team! haha!
met my big sister's friend at this fancy restaurant in trendy chelsea! but it was actually really affordable.
the interview was alright... met a lot of different people! there were 4 other singaporeans there. ru-ik was the only one i knew. i never knew he was malaysian. then a j4 rj guy who knows me but i dunno him. an nj guy who reminds me a lot of the guy-who-skoa-does-a-good-spoof-walk-of. and a spore uwc guy who also got an offer for cam med! cool! also talked to a very nice northern irish girl, a very very sweet and chio girl from kenya and a guy from belgium. but i didn't really have anything to say to him so i felt a bit bad. heh actually i really like going to such interviews cos you get to meet a lot of different ppl.
then i met my dad and we walked around westminster etc etc. it felt a lot colder than germany!
before we left, we did a chinese takeaway for dinner and there was a lion dance in the restaurant. and guess what? the entire troop was angmoh! fantastic! haha my dad was so amused he took a photo. i would have expected at least one chinese lion dancer or a chinese shi fu or something. but no! a complete angmoh troop!
i went home on my own cos my sis and mum left the day before and my dad flew sq on the same night. i took qf. pleasant surprise! the j4 guy was on the same flight so i talked to him quite a bit in the waiting lounge. haha his dad asked if i wanted to swap seats so we could talk on the flight back but...no! taking long flights with ppl you sort of know is not good cos they see you in the most minging state! bad hair, possible bad breath, chapped lips, horrid sleeping positions etc. haha so i sat next to this brit girl who smelt like the cupcake dolls. dunno whether anyone else ever played with them before. on the entire trip she only peed once! on my other side at the aisle was a bloody tall australian guy. when he sat down, his knees touched the seat in front. i felt really bad cos everytime i needed to pee he would have to unfold himself and climb out of his seat. he was reading fhm and kept trying to cover it from me. i dunno why also. haha but thankfully neither of them had lolling heads and drool. yup so that's it!
ah i just got back last night! today i have to wash all the winter clothes :( ANYWAY... i had a great time! a lot of photos so i'll divide germany and uk into 2 posts. i'm sorry if you find it boring but it's a way for me to remember things that happened on the trip!