Heya doods!
I’ve been so incredibly busy. Which is why this update has come so late.
Freshers week has been pretty good, haha more fun than orientation at rjc! :D so the week:
Arrived early on Friday morning and met my sister in cambridge. Nothing much exciting except seeing my new room. It’s really not bad! Haha it’s tiny compared to the other rooms but it’s cheap. And I hardly get to meet freshers but the people on my staircase are really nice so that’s alright! My window faces some guy’s at catz. Pity he’s not hot :( the road outside is fondly known as piss alley cos all the drunks come by so I sometimes get woken up (if I’m not still awake) by singing at 3am.
Saturday afternoon I had tea with my college family. Second year parents and 5 fresher siblings. I reckon I was quite miserable (I can’t really remember now) during that because I had absolutely nothing to say. Then we had formal dinner with the family which had some kick ass dessert. Also had a good chat with 2 of my ‘brothers’ about monty python, anime and Asians. After that we had a party with our tutors. Haha I was quite amused how the tutors were openly encouraging the consumption of alcohol. Hmm. But yeah got to meet the other medics and I had a good first impression. Decided to skip jazz and cocktails after that to go back to my room and talk to my sister. I remember feeling really miserable that day because I was pretty convinced I wouldn’t be able to fit in and be screwed for the next 6 years of my life.
Sunday afternoon we had a pub lunch and short tour of cambride with our college family. I was DEFINITELY miserable during that because I had nothing to say and I was pretty sure my family hated me. (I’m so optimistic I KNOW) later that day my sister left and I, of course, bawled my eyes out. It was so comforting knowing that I could go back to my room and bitch about anything to my sister :( oh well. Then went for rowing squash where I signed up for tubbing (a crude form of rowing) with the blonde alex. Met ben there and wahhhhhh I’m just so grateful there was another Singaporean at queens’. International squash after dinner was pretty good. Asian kids unite man! Haha but yeah met the other Malaysians and it was so great knowing they were all here.
Monday meeting with our DOS (director of studies) which was a bit intimidating but I was also quite psyched. Signed up for supervision slots and collected our skeletons. I called mine NODDY but I still haven’t really looked at or talked to him. Haha I think someone named theirs Raphael (turtle power), hannah called hers Jerusalem, blonde alex called his bub (I hear he’s been drinking alcohol out of bub’s head -_-). Subject contact meeting after lunch was overwhelming. “well for anatomy this book is pretty good. And this one is useful for essays. This one is perfect for last minute revision. This one is really good if you forget dissections. Don’t forget your atlas as well…….” Omg. How many fricking books do we need? Just have to check them out in the library. Anyway that night we had…. Speed MATING 0_0 haha I went for the first half and found it rubbish. They made us international students stand (ok lar they didn’t just pick on us) cos there weren’t any seats left. Apparently the second half got pretty er. raunchy so good thing I wasn’t there :) after that….. I think we all went over to alex’s room. And then…. OH I remember! We went to visit Kelly and saraho at christs. Had a good chat about how hard it is to get along with angmohs. Haha bitching session.
Tuesday morning matriculation! Got to wear my cool 30pound gown. Bastard guy in front of me completely ignored me but at least the guy behind me was nice enough. I’m one of the last 10 from our year so I got to sit in the front for the photo. Then we had to queue up to shake the president’s hand. We had to wait sooooooooo long just because we happened to have a W surname :( then went for uni societies fair! Signed up for a lot of shit like anime club, some drama club, korfball, Frisbee, yoga, softball, canoeing, lacrosse and I can’t remember what else. I reckon the only ones I will seriously consider would be softball, yoga and rowing. But softball people still haven’t emailed us anything. Hmph. Later when everyone was off at soul tree (yet another club), audry and hk took us out for dinner at jinling noodle house which is a completely shit Chinese restaurant near queens’. Haha but company was good enough. then wandered through a few random colleges. i know it’s horrible for international students to always stick together but sometimes you just can’t help it and at least you know you have a group of really really good friends to hang out with :D
Wednesday I had…….. lectures and stuff I think? Haha I somehow can’t remember what I did. But did realize the dynamics in our medic group. Shall not elaborate yet. But well out of the 12 of us at least I definitely get along with Hannah and the blonde and black alex. Afternoon went shopping for pyjamas with ben for our uber cool queens’ pyjama pub crawl! Finally got a dressing gown from marks and spencer (the Giordano of uk) which was fricking 25pounds! Cheapest I could find. But I figured I would get good use out of it. So that night the 4 of us (me wv alex ben) headed for the pub crawl! Haha we were so worried everyone would be dressed nicely while we looked crap in pjs but omg people here are really sporting. The outfits! Hilarious! Haha we had a good time wandering from place to place in pjs (bird I wore your toe socks with flip flops they were such a hit with everyone!) took turns buying drinks for each other and we got quite drunk. But really so funnnn!
Thursday we had…… I can’t remember lectures in the morning I suppose. Ohhh! I went tubbing with blonde alex. It was super duper fun after that I was really keen on rowing. Afternoon had my first supervision with the fantastic Welch. He served us brownies (heavenly!) and tea. i didn’t have any time to read through the stuff before that so I think he thought I was really really dumb. But he’s a cool old man. Went for the queens’ ski trip chat at night and i really quite want to go. But it’s 300pounds plus plus so I don’t think I should dry out my funding. Bar quiz after that. What a laugh! Haha this guy in my group got so frustrated cos he couldn’t solve the dingbats it was soooo funny. Also talked to this really sweet girl who somehow thought I was a second year. ?? haha yayy more friends. We were supposed to be in our family groups but I was already sitting with random people before that started so I just stayed with the random people. My family was a bit ‘annoyed’ I suppose. Haha they called their group “where is yingmei”. That’s when I realized they didn’t hate me and that I wasn’t non-existent to them :D ten points to me!
Friday lectures and dissection! I’m so thankful for dissection cos it was so coolllllll! Made me feel excited about doing medicine again. That night we had dinner with our families. It went so much better than I expected. Loads of alcohol and everyone is friendly. Ke3 shi4 ta1 men2 zhu3 de dong1 xi1 hen3 gross. Haha somehow managed to tun1 xia4 qu4. yikes even before the bop (college club event) started I already had 2 glasses of wine and 2 shots. And I probably had the leastalcohol though. After dinner we all went for NAUGHTY! Which was a back to school bop. Mr hodge wouldn’t be pleased with my outfit but I didn’t include the badge. so. Haha funnnnn! Music here is so cheesy but that’s the fun thing about it!
Yesterday somehow managed to wake up early to play netball. Cam is gonna get thrashed. I hate netball. Doesn’t everyone remember my brutal battle scars from sec 4? But oh wells. Then rushed back for brunch and got ready for matriculation photo cos our one taken on Tuesday got screwed up -_- then then then…. Mm cumsa event which was horrible. No food! But met a few people there. Went for dinner at ugly duckling which is the good but prob the most expensive place ever! 10pounds for rice!!! I don’t think we’re going there again.
This morning did rowing in a boat of 8. omg so cool! I’m rowing at Cambridge! It doesn’t get any better. Aye but I don’t think I’ll last long cos I’m very weak compared to everyone else. Poor Chinese girl. Ok that’s enough. I’m supposed to be studying now.